Saturday, December 29, 2007

Short-n-Sweet -- Tale of A Weigh In

It's just a brief message today folks

This morning my scales showed 140.8kg -- an INCREDIBLE loss of 2 kilos over Christmas!!??

Can hardly believe it, got on and off the scales a few times to make sure the batteries hadn't melted in the 45 degree day we had on Boxing Day.

My grand total of weight lost so far (since beginning of Sept 07) is 29.2kg -- I'm almost a third of the way to 80kg, my ultimate goal. Yay, yay, yay. Best present of 2007 - my VSG (vertical sleeve gastrectomy).


libby said...

WOW!!! You are on fire. I'm hoping for a kilo loss but we'll see - far too many chocolates have made it past my lips. Will be so glad when they are gone.


Borderline Lil said...

Thanks Libby! I was stunned, cause like you I've found the chocs a little too easy to eat ): Now they are all gone yay! Good luck for your weigh in!